Sunday 23 February 2014

Post-production: Audience Feedback - Miss Begum


What is audience feedback and why is it important?

- Audience feedback is the results we collected after carrying a questionnaire/survey where we had to ask the people who watched our thriller product various questions to find out what they think of our production and whether if our thriller is conventional to the thriller genre or not. This is very important because it allows us to see what went well and what didn't work out for our thriller. If the feedback we get is positive, this will allows us to feel proud as we have met our audience's expectations which again allows us to focus on developing other things that are needed to be improved. If the feedback we get is negative, this will allows us to discuss what went wrong and able to develop and improve our techniques as well as our thriller production.

Focus Group:

- The next stage of my audience feedback was to screen my thriller production into a focus group. I have chosen to screen a group of friends of mine who was an ex A Level Media students and some of them are currently doing the same course as myself. I decided to do this because it would be easier to communicate with them and is easier to understand each other as they already knew what should be included in a thriller film and they would give me the feedback that are reliable. 
- This was very beneficial to my understanding of thriller conventions because it allows me to find out what conventions attract to my target audience the most. This was also beneficial as it allows me to understand what the audience would like to see and would not like to see in a thriller film and what appeals the most for them.

Positive Comments:

Shakira (Female, 18): ‘I really like the concept of this film. It was so engaging and interesting’. This made me feel proud as this person has enjoyed my thriller film and shows that I have attracted them as well as meeting their expectations in thrillers.

Jack (Male, 19): ‘Wicked, I loved it! The camera work was brilliant’. This comment has been very beneficial as another person enjoyed our production as well as our camera techniques and movements. This shows that we've done a good job meeting their expectations and make our thriller look decent.

Joel (Male, 21): 'I love the use of sound in your thriller, it has been used very effectively and very well created'. This comment has been very beneficial as it showed my group that we have done a good job creating sounds that are conventional to the thriller genre which was something that we hope to achieve.

Constructive Comments:

Peter (Male, 17):’I didn't really understand the antagonist characteristic, it was a bit confusing for me’. This helped me to realised the faults within my narrative and is very useful as it allows us to know what we should do better to show more details about our antagonist to make it clearer for our next production as well as improving our character representation. 

Mia (Female, 18): ‘The acting could've been better and the lighting was a bit too dark, I couldn't see clearly at some point of the film’. This has been very beneficial as it allows me notice and develop the lighting to make the scene more lighter for the audience to see. It has also allowed me to mark lighting as an area of improvement for my next thriller production.

Chloe (Female, 19): 'The antagonist shouldn't have worn other dark colour rather than white'. This comment has been beneficial as it allows me to set up the right costume for the antagonist next time to be conventional to the thriller genre.

Due to the positive feedback that I have collected, I do believe that I have created a successful thriller production. As there are still quite a lot of mistakes whilst making this thriller, I do believe from this, I have now gained a better understanding of the thriller genre and it's conventions.


- The audience feedback was beneficial even though I have already created my production because these results would help to benefits me in the future if I'm planning to make another thriller film. I will then know what to work on to meet attract my target audience as well as meeting their expectations. 

1 comment:

  1. Some good comments here from the feedback you received from your focus group. Good that you state who the audience was of your focus group. A good mixture of positive comments and constructive ones. Also pleasing and helpful for you to state how the feedback was beneficial in your assessing your own work.

    To improve;
    -proof read your work please
