Monday 24 February 2014

Evaluation Question 5 - How did you attract/address your target audience?

How did you attract/address your target audience?

Whilst carrying out a range of secondary research on thrillers and audiences, I had to find another source of research which would allow my group to target our audiences and try and meet their expectations within the thriller genre. In order to do this, we created a questionnaire as we thought it was the most effective way of getting quick, reliable and consistent feedback.
From my secondary research, I believe the target audience of thriller films is within the age group of 15-40 and they are suitable for both genders. Ethnicity wise, thrillers tend to portray a diverse culture and is obtainable for peace of all occupations.  Also, thrillers target people who love to socialise, go out or thriller seekers and those who are interested in a horror genre too.
Creating a questionnaire was very beneficial as it was easy to record, helped me to collect honest and reliable results from our target audience. Also, it has helped us to save a lot of time as we were focusing on asking questions directly to our specific target audience which helped us to gather quick feedback that was relevant.

The most important question I asked was ‘’what appeals to you the most in a thriller film?’’. This question was important as it allowed me to get a vision of what appeals the most to my audience. This then allowed me to plan how I would adapt this convention into my thriller. In advance, by asking my target audience this specific question has allowed me to received direct and honest answers on what I should use to appeal to my audience.

Another question I asked was ‘’what frightens you the most whilst watching a thriller film?’’. This question was important as it allowed me to identify what frighten the audience the most and has helped me to adapt more of these conventions into my thriller. In addition, by asking my target audience this specific question, this given me more ideas to include into my thriller to create more fright and horror from the narrative.

After my production had been made, I created a focus group of people who are my target audience to have a look at my thriller. I asked 20 people from the age of 16+ because they are my target audience and I needed to collect their feedbacks after watching my thriller.

These are some of the feedback I’ve collected from my focus group:

Shakira (Female, 18): ‘I really like the concept of this film. It was so engaging and interesting’. This made me feel proud as this person has enjoyed my thriller film and shows that I have attracted them as well as meeting their expectations in thrillers.

Jack (Male, 19): ‘Wicked, I loved it! The camera work was brilliant’. This made me feel really proud as another person enjoyed our production as well as our camera techniques and movements. This shows that we’ve done a good job meeting their expectations and make our thriller look decent.

Peter (Male, 17):’It’s a bit confusing, the antagonist was too mysterious’. This helps me to realise the faults within my narrative and is very useful as it allows us to know what we should do better for our next production and our character representation.

Mia (Female, 18): ‘The female character dies too quick and too simple’. This has helped me to realise that I should do more work with the attacking as well as camera work. Based from this, I will work harder to makes the attacking more interesting and engaging for the audience.

1 comment:

  1. Some excellent work here on how you addressed and attracted your target audience. Initial research into the audience has taken places through secondary research and this has helped you make decisions for your work.

    The importance of audience is understood as you display your questionnaire and identify key questions and illustrate the results you received which helped you with specific choices and outcomes.

    Finally, what is good about this is the feedback you received post-production in form of the focus group which you also reflect on in terms of whether you attracted your audience.
