Thursday 28 November 2013

Planning: Production Roles - Ms Begum

Production Roles


- During the process of a movie in the making, there nine most important roles with different techniques and creativity that provides different parts to make the movie complete as a production.
- The director is a person who is in charge of an activity, department, or organization. They are those who come up with creative visual and working along the film crew to transform his/her visualisation becoming a movie production. A director is supported by other managers and producers to develop his/her ideas during the process of a movie in the making. This role has been assigned to Javel and myself to share the responsibilities because we both have creative visuals and are good at deligating roles to the rest of the group in order to complete our thriller production.
- The producer is a person who responsible for the financial and managerial aspects of the making of a film. They are those who provide money to buy useful equipments and take all responsible for the film crew and a movie production. The producer supports the directors and co-directors to develop their ideas during a film making process. This role has been assigned for myself because I have good organisation skills and are willing to provide anything needed within my group.
- The editor is a person who is responsible for assembling recorded raw material into a finished product suitable for broadcasting. The material may consist of camera footage, dialogue, sound effects, graphics and special effects. They are supported by the co-editors, however the main editor would be the person who puts the scenes together. I am assigned to be the editor in my groups because I have a wide range of imaginations and good editing skills, therefore I will take this role as I am able to puts all the scenes together effectively.

Camera operator:
- The camera operator is a professional cameraman/women of a film or video camera. In filmmaking, the leading camera operator is usually called a cinematographer, while a camera operator in a video production may be known as video camera operator, or videographer, depending on the context and technology involved, usually operating a professional video camera. The camera operator work along the alongside the storyboard manager and director to make sure that they will capture the right scenes at the right moments. In my group, we have assigned this role to myself as I have good techniques whiles filming and also wants to develop my filming skills.

Lighting technician:
- The lighting technician is a person who organises and sets up all the lights within the scene, they need to make sure that the light represetns a feeling and atmosphere that its wanting to be created by the director. In my group, we have assigned this role to Abdullah as he knows how to use the lighting effectively and also wants to develop his skills whilst assisting the filming process.

Location Manager:
- The location manager is a person who finds the best location for the scene/film and they also will do the risk assessment to make sure that the scene is okay to film in. There will also seek permission from those involves within the scene to make sure that the location is ready for the film to take place. In my group, we have assigned this role to Javel because he is willing to film our production at his house and also know a lot of suitable locations for our thriller opening.

Costumes & Make-up artist:
- The costumes and make-up artist is a group of people who are responsible for making sure that the characters all look in the way that is desired by the director. They will pick what people wear and puts on their make up to suit the role, for example they might put on blood with make up to show someone is in pain. In my group, we have assigned this role for Rex and myself as we both have the same ideas of how we wants our female victim and antagonist to look like so therefore we can work along with this to come up with better ideas of costumes and make up for our actor/actress.

Story-board Manager:
- The story-board manager is a person who interpretates the director visual to make up a narrative that the movie is based on. They will organise the scene shots by shots and make sure that there is an order that can easily be followed  by everyone else involves in the production especially the cameraman and the editor. In my group, we assigned this role to Abdullah because he have a creative minds and interpretates our thriller ideas very effectively.

Sound technician:
- The sound technician is a person who creates all the sound effects, soundtracks and music within a movie production. They will needs to create original sound that's belong to the movie to creates feelings and build up tension within that one particular scene where its highlighted the character's feeling. The sound also needs to be edited to the scene and to the edits that occur. In my group, we assigned this role to Javel because he is very creative when it comes to creating soundtracks and sound effects.


  1. Some great evidence of planning here by assigning most roles which will help the group whilst out filming and editing, well done. The roles are defined well and you justify most of your group choices well by relating to skills and attributes each member of the group has. Make sure as a group you all stick these roles as it will help you in all your production/post-production stages.

    -need to assign the roles of lighting, location and costume, hair and make-up to someone before you start filming

  2. Thanks for the comments miss, I have updated this post.

  3. Great, all roles have been assigned!
