Sunday 24 November 2013

Planning: Opening Scene Narration - Miss Begum

Opening Scene Narration

- For the opening sequence of our thriller, we have all discussed in our group about how we would like opening scene to be filmed and presented.

Opening Scene Narration:

- The scene starts with a mid-long shot introducing the female character's walking home at night time around 9pm and onwards. The location for this would be in Great Cambridge Roundabout underground pathway, this location would be suitable for this first shot because it's dark and look isolated at night time. As she's walking, a close-up shot is being used to show that she's texting her boyfriend saying ''It's over ! I'm sorry but I'm in love with someone else..'' and then she turns off her phone and puts it back into her pocket. An extreme long shot and a floor camera level shot is being used to film her walking to her home. The lighting is natural mixed with low-key lighting as she carries on walking home alone. 

We then see mid-long shot again from the behind of the female character as she opens the door and enters her house. As she enters her house, a close-up shot in being used to film the door handle from the inside of the house twisting and then she enters the house. The lighting here will be low-key as no one else is at home and the house is covered in darkness with no lights.

As the scene developed, we then see the female victim enters her room and go to the bath room to have a shower, the shot that's being used here is a long shot. As she enters the bathroom, a zoom camera movements is being used here to zoom out slowly as she's taking a shower behind the curtains. The lighting here will be back-lighting showing her silhouettes and to shows that she's vulnerable and physically weak. After finishing her bath, she then go back into her room to dry her self up and get changed into her white pyjamas. A high-angle shot mixed with long shot is being used to film this scene. The female victim then lays down to her bed to sleep. A middle shot is being used here from a high angle mixed with bird-eye views  to shows that she's innocent and to show her vulnerability. The lighting is dark and low-key as she switches off the lights to go to sleep.

As the female is laying down in bed sleeping, a panning shot is being used to film from the end of her bed slowly showing her feet up to her body and to her head showing the clock on the table next to her bed letting the audience knows that it is 1:30am. The female then wakes up from a nightmare, a reaction shot mixed with a bird eye views shot is being used to show her opening her eyes, she then decides to go down to her kitchen to get a cup of water to calm herself down. The camera is being placed on her table showing that she's getting out of bed and walking out of her room. She then walks downstairs to her kitchen, a high angle shot is being used from upstairs balcony filming her walking down the stairs and turns to her kitchen. As she enters the kitchen, she then goes to get a cup and opens her fridge to get water. The camera will be placed inside the fridge showing her face as she reaches for her drink.

Following on from this, she drinks her water then look at the cup to see how much waters left in the cup, a close-up shot is being used to film the reflection from the cup showing her ex boyfriend standing behind her holding a knife in his hands. A reaction shot is being used here to film her reaction as she's getting frightened. Fear and different connotations is being created. Carrying on from this scene, a point of view shot is being used to show that she's slowly moving back as her ex boyfriend move towards her. He then reaches to pull her hair and stabs non-stop in her stomach. A close-up shot is being used here to film her facial expressions as she's being attacked showing that she's helpless. Also to film the ex boyfriend's hand holding the knife stabbing her continuously. The fast editing mixed with shot reverse shot is being used here to show the attack at a faster pace to build up tension and create suspense.She then falls to the floor, slow editing will be used here to create a dramatic fall of the female victim. As soon as she hits the floor, the setting of the scene changes to her bedroom instantly, a reaction shot mixed with close-up shot will be used to show the relieved of a realization that it was only a nightmare. To comfort herself, she looks around her surrounding, a point of view shot is being used here. This is used to shows the female's from her viewpoints to creates fear and chill-excitement towards the audience. However, it's not long before she notices that a dark figure, holding a knife is gazing at her with cold angry eyes. Then the scene will end with an instant blackout and the title of will slowly appears to the audience.

At the end, the audience is left with horrific ideas about what could happen to the victim. This builds up tension and act as a cliff-hanger. By having a cliff-hanger, it draws attention and increases the audience's interest in my thriller production.

1 comment:

  1. Ken, this is a great description of your opening scene. There is a lot of detail which is met by where you plan to use certain micro-elements for maximum effect on your audience. It is clear that you have a good idea of your narrative and what you hope will happen, which is good evidence of planning your opening.

    You do need to discuss this with your group though as it seems that there is a difference about what is going to happen within the narrative...
