Friday 20 December 2013

Planning: Preliminary task - Miss Begum

  Preliminary task

*Link to my preliminary task*

The purpose of preliminary task:

- The purpose of preliminary task was to introduce us on how to operate the camera to give us an opportunity to learn how to operate the tripod effectively. We also looked at different camera angels and sizes to help us practicing our cinematography filming techniques and have the basic understanding of  filming and editing.
- During the preliminary task, the whole group had a go at filming and editing to try out and to nominate the best person at each section to devide up the roles to gain the best marks for ourselves for the final production.

 The scenario:

- Our group decided that the scenario for our preliminary task was to film a short conversation between two people. We filmed two people having a short conversation at the beginning focusing on camera angles and sizes and then we focused on the camera movements whilst filming them walking. We also filmed our scenes in a few different locations and then edited the clips in order to delivered a clear narrative structure.

Group roles:

- Through discussion within our group, we have decided to have different people to do different roles.

Ken Nguyen: Camera man / Co-director / Editor
Javel Robinson: Director / Sound Technician / Location Manager / Actor
Abdullah: Producer / Storyboard Manager
Rex: Camera assistant / Sound assistant

Difficulties you encountered whilst filming

- The difficulties we had whilst filming were to ensure that we capture good shots from different angels and camera movements. We had a bit of trouble trying to use the camera and operate the tripod effectively. Filming with the tripod to perform tilt shot and panning was quite difficult when trying to keep track with the characters movements within a scene. To be able to overcome this difficulty, myself as the camera man has been practicing my filming skills from different aspects of the camera and practice to move the camera cleverly and smoothly with the tripod.

Difficulties you encountered whilst editing

- The difficulties we had whilst editing were how to use Final Cut Pro fluently and effectively. This was quite challenging as we were only introduced to editing and haven't had any basic skills and understanding whilst edit. We found it quite challenging to cut the different shots at the right moment and to puts all the scenes together. To be able to overcome this difficulty, myself as the editor has been doing research online on how to use Final Cut Pro fluently and seeks for help from people that experienced this editing program.

What have you leaned ?

- Through filming and editing our preliminary task, I have now learnt how to use the camera and operate the tripod effectively and to able to capture the right shots at the right angles and sizes. And also keeping track with the character's movement with the tripod.


I have identified the purpose of the preliminary task, our group roles, narrative and difficulties we encountered whilst filming and editing. Although I am still a beginner with the equipment that we are using but through preliminary task, I have now gained a better understanding of filming and editing and how to use them effectively. I intend on improving my filming skills by practicing my skills with the camera to capture the right shots at the right sizes and angles. Also improving my editing skills by learning more about Final Cut Pro to use it fluently whilst editing my thriller opening scene.


  1. The preliminary task has clearly helped you operate a camera and identify the basic skills of filming and editing. Clear to see that you have worked well within your group in your first attempt and have shared tasks and responsibilities.

    To improve;
    -how did you overcome your difficulties in filming and editing?
    -include the film/footage of the preliminary at the start of your post. Upload to Youtube and include that way or insert file from your USB.

  2. Thanks for the comments miss, I have updated this post. However, the footage of the preliminary task is in my folder which can only access from school computers, I will upload this as soon as I get to school.

  3. Okay Ken, had a look, all looks good! Maybe just state how you overcame your difficulties.
